Review Policy

As I stated on my cover page, I started this blog as an extension of my love for reading.  I read because I love it. I see myself more as a lover of books than a reviewer of books. You won't find a critical or literary analysis here- just an honest opinion from an avid reader.

What I primarily read:

  • southern fiction
  • women's fiction
  • nonfiction pertaining to: paranormal and new age topics
  • children's and middle grades fiction 
  • literary fiction
  • historical fiction
  • occasional others that strike my fancy
What I don't read:

  •  romance
  • science fiction
  • fantasy
  • Christian fiction
  • horror
  • erotica
  • courtroom or crime drama
  • Dystopian fiction

What my reviews contain:
  • Title
  • Author
  • Publisher
  • number of pages
  • summary
  • my honest opinion about the book
  • Recommendations (Read this book if...)
  • Book Cover
That being said, I can promise this:
I know all writers work hard and put their heart and soul into their work.  Even if I do not care for a particular book, I will NOT insult or degrade the author's work. I will tell why the book was not for me, but will do so objectively.  If I do not finish a book, I will give my reasons, but in a tactful way.  Let's face it- I am a southerner- I HAVE to be tactful. It comes with the territory. :) (I do reserve the right to decide not to finish a book.)  On rare occasion, I may decline to review a book.

I accept:
ARCs, Finished copies, Galleys, and ebooks (on a limited basis)

What I do with the books after reading:
If I love it, I keep it.  Otherwise, I may give it to someone I think would enjoy it.  I also donate to libraries and children's organizations.

I  post my reviews on Amazon, LibraryThing, Goodreads, and/ or Shelfari.  Normally I crosspost onto all of these.


  1. I'm Carmen Stefanescu from:
    I signed to follow your blog. I'd be glad if you could honor mine, too.
    I live in Romania, better known as Dracula's country. I am a teacher of English and German in my own town and country.

    Best regards,

  2. Thank you so much for visiting and following me! I will be happy to follow your blog!
    Beth :)

  3. Thanks for returning the favor!
    I'd like to ask you if you'd like to accept reading and reviewing my Shadows of the Past, e-book? It's a paranormal as it's a ghost story. A character is a Wiccan.A light romance just to push the action forward.
    It was released on 4th December 2012 by Wild Child Publishing, USA. I have a feeling you will enjoy the story! Here's a link on Goodreads to get a general idea:

    I live in Romania, better known as Dracula's country.
    I am a teacher of English and German in my native town, Braila.
    I am fond of paranormal myself.
    My email address is above.

    I left a message here as many people tell me my emails end in Spam /Quarantine folder.
    Thank you for your time!
